Let's start this new column with the Queen of Kata Viviana Bottaro. We will share you some details of her training and her work in short videos.

Did you ever ask how a professional and international champion trains?
Which details does he focus on?
Which exercices does he use to perfect a technique?
What does he improve traning by training?

In this new column Viviana speaks to people who practise karate, who are in love with it, to agonistic athletes and aspiring champions, to anyone wants to study kata in depth.
She will show you, from her own experience, little suggestions, secrets, tips of training.

The first clip is about a very important topic. It is more and over the study and learning of techniques of a kata. It deals with a deeper work: Expressivity

Expressivity is essential if you mean kata as performance of a real fighting. Viviana explains it is not only about the face, she suggests to work on the whole body.
In addition to perfect execution of technical moviments, entire body must communicates character of the athlete and carry emotional charge to the kata performance.
When Viviana turned to individual competition, she had to work harder on this.
Expressivity of body brings different importance the same perfect technical movement. It communicates focus, power, intention and constant state of zanshin.

"Expresssivity" is only the first topic we post and offer you. Write us for more info and everything you want to ask about!

In this video Viviana wears Karategi Elegant Wkf Approved. Also the choice of the perfect karategi completes expressivity of the kata.

Viviana with Ko Italia restyled Elegant model that evolves and renews itself to meet all needs of professional athletes. It enhances the performance in competition to the highest level .
Karategi Elegant always respects kata tradition but changes wearability of jacket as for pants to satisfy new demads. Professional athletes with new Elegant complete and improve their expressiveness towards the perfect performance on tatami.
Elegant Kata Karategi is totally Made-in-Italy. It is hand made with caractheristic heavy fabric from MIlan with brushing process that makes it soft but snap. It does not shrink with correct washing because of sanforize process of fabric.